Air Peace Salary Structure 2023 (Updated)

Air Peace Salary Structure by Job Title 2023 (Updated) | Check Out How Much Air Peace Pays Its Employees

Do you want to know how much Air Peace pays its employees on a monthly or annual basis? Before starting employment at Air Peace, it’s critical to learn about the company’s wage structures for various positions.

This page will provide thorough information on Air Peace Salary Structure by Job Title since many of our followers who are interested in working for the company want to know how much its employees make. Because Air Peace is one of the Nigerian airlines, its compensation package would be highly appealing, therefore read this article all the way to the end.

Air Peace is one of Nigeria’s best-paying airline jobs! However, don’t expect to be paid a lot for doing nothing. Air Peace offers a variety of work prospects, but they are all quite demanding. You’ll need strong grades and a will to succeed if you actually want to work there.


Still, professionalism and development are two of Air Peace’s primary benefits. You will be paid well and have opportunities for advancement.

Air Peace Salary Structure by Job Title

Air Peace, like any other Nigerian airline business, compensates its employees handsomely, with remuneration varying depending on the job they have within the company. Monthly pay for several Air Peace positions is shown in the table below.

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Job Title Amount Earned
Passenger Service Executive NGN 60K – NGN 80K/moAvg. Total Pay
Cabin Crew NGN 503K – NGN 540K/moAvg. Total Pay
Station Manager NGN 485K – NGN 523K/moAvg. Total Pay
Internal Auditor NGN 145K – NGN 155K/moAvg. Total Pay
Aircraft Mechanic NGN 144K – NGN 155K/moAvg. Total Pay
Customer Care Representative (CCR) NGN 381K – NGN 418K/moAvg. Total Pay
IT Support Specialist NGN 1M – NGN 1M/yrAvg. Total Pay
Engineer NGN 670K – NGN 725K/moAvg. Total Pay
Pilot, First Officer NGN 2M – NGN 2M/moAvg. Total Pay
Systems Analyst NGN 3M – NGN 3M/yr Avg. Total Pay
Procurement Officer NGN 124K – NGN 134K/yr Avg. Total Pay

There are advantages associated with each of these roles, such as health benefits, which are not covered by the wage but are separate from it.

If you want to work for Air Peace, you must meet the standards because it is a very tough job with numerous applications. Please keep in mind that these Air Peace Salary Structure data are subject to change at any time, so bookmark this page since we will update it as soon as they do.