Benue SUBEB Examination Date 2023/2024 | See Benue State Teachers Examination Venue

Benue SUBEB Examination Date 2023/2024 | See Benue State Teachers Examination Venue

The Benue SUBEB CBT Examination Date is an event introduced to improve the quality of teachers within the state. It has been mandatory for all those who were shortlisted and wish to be licensed as a teacher and work in Benue state schools to participate in this examination. The date has been announced, and the exam will hold on Wednesday December 21, 2023, and it usually takes place in various selected local governments within the state.

The Benue State Teachers Examination will be conducted by the Benue State Universal Basic Education Board for all selected candidates. The CBT exam tests knowledge on various topics including Mathematics, English Language, and General Knowledge.

Is The Benue SUBEB Examination Date Out

The Benue State Teachers Examination Date has NOT been released. The date for the examination will be updated here on this web page as soon as the information emerges. Therefore, all candidates are to note that the registration has already commenced, as anyone who wishes to be employed as a teacher should go and obtain the application form through the official portal. Candidates should visit for more information about the exam date and how to register.

Benue SUBEB Examination Venues

Benue SUBEB Examination Venue for the current year Teachers Recruitment Examination will be organized by the Benue State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB). Also, all successfully shortlisted candidates are advised to visit their registered email addresses to know if they have received the venue for the Benue SUBEB Examination, or always visit this web page for up-to-date information concerning the exam dates and venues.

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More so, the SUBEB Examination might hold in the 23 Local Government Areas in Benue State, which are as follows:

  •  ADO
  • APA
  • GUMA
  • GWER
  • LOGO
  • OBI
  • OJU
  • UKUM

How To Check and Verify The Benue SUBEB Examination Dates and Venue

First and foremost, the Benue SUBEB official is always open for more information. And as such, only those who were shortlisted are allowed to write the examination. Therefore, to avoid embarrassment, do not visit the examination venues if you were not shortlisted.

There are two ways to check the examination dates and venues

  1. Firstly, through the Benue SUBEB official at
  2. Secondly, via your email addresses.

Finally, if you need more information about the Benue SUBEB Examination Date and Venue, do not hesitate to notify us through the comment section. GOOD LUCK