Community Policing Recruitment 2023/2024 Application Form

Community Policing Recruitment 2023/2024 Application Form. See information about community police recruitment salary, community policing training date 2023, requirement and how to apply for community police

Public applications are now being accepted for the Nigerian police’s community policing recruiting.

Would you like to assist the federal government in its efforts to enforce civil law and restore peace and order?

Nigeria Community Policing Recruitment 2023

In Nigeria, crime and violence are now considered the norm. The number of kidnapping and banditry cases that have been officially reported has increased. As a result, the Nigerian government started a community policing program.

The federal government has set aside N13 billion (approximately $35 million) to ensure that the recruitment process goes as planned. These monies will be utilized to support the recruitment of no more than 10,000 capable Nigerian men and women as constables during the first stage.

The Nigerian Community Policing system has an intriguing feature in that successful applicants are dispatched or deployed to their home state or region, which forces them to become active because they are already accustomed to their operational base.

According to the federal government, combating insecurity at its source will have a good effect on society as a whole. They must collaborate closely with the chiefs, head of clan, and other village leaders to bring all aspects of village life back to normal.

Stages for Community Policing Recruitment 2023

Constables are hired in phases to serve as community police officers. The registration phase is the initial step, followed by the physical examination, the medical and fitness test, and the aptitude test examinations, which have to be computer-based. Only those candidates who perform successfully and superbly will be shortlisted.

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Nigeria Police Community Policing Recruitment Application Qualifications 2023/2023 requirements .

  1. Constables should be 21 to 50 years of age.
  2. Applicant must be a Nigerian citizen.
  3. Applicant should have the minimum education requirements like O level results etc.
  4. Any of the O level results tendered must have English and maths and any other 3 subjects as credit pass.
  5. Applicant should be fit all round. Finally, have a means of identification.

How to Apply for Community Policing Recruitment 2023

The Police Recruitment Portal at will be used for online registration for the community policing recruitment.

Please be aware that the respective Police Heads in the various states will make the form announcement. So, keep an eye out for your state’s announcement.

Community Policing Training Date

All shortlisted candidates who possess all the basic requirements, and have been found eligible for recruitment, will be called upon for training. Therefore, it is advised to always visit your email address to know the exact date for the training, or visit the official portal for more information.

Community Police Recruitment Salary Structure

S/NO Ranks Monthly Salary
2a Police Constable Grade Level 03 ₦43,293.83
b Police Constable Grade Level 10 ₦49,113.59
3a Police Corporal on Grade Level 04 (1) ₦44,715.53
b Police Corporal on Grade Level 04 (10) ₦51,113.59