The 2023 final list and DPR screening date for all successfully shortlisted candidates have been announced. The Department of Petroleum Resources board has finally revealed the Exam date, centers, as well as requirements for the 2023 DPR screening exercise.
All those whose who applied for this job and were shortlisted are advised to appear at the selected screening centers within the exact dates and time. Therefore, any candidate who fails to be screened by the DPR officials would be disqualified.
We have provided basic information regarding the DPR recruitment screening. This article will highlight everything you need to know concerning the forthcoming physical screening exercise.
Furthermore, we shall discuss the DPR screening date, the Examination venue, the basic requirements, as well as the scheduled time for the Department of Petroleum Resources physical screening.
Therefore, if you are among the selected candidates and eager to know the 2023 DPR screening date, then read through this content as all the important information regarding the Department of Petroleum Resources screening exercise is on this page.
Is DPR Recruitment List Out
The DPR screening list for those who were successfully shortlisted has not been released, All candidates are to wait patiently for the list to released, and once it is announced, we will update this page immediately.
DPR Screening Date 2023
Officials from the Department of Petroleum Resources have announced that the DPR physical screening, which is part of the recruiting process for all pre-qualified candidates, will take place this year, with the screening lasting two (2) weeks.
All applicants who saw their names on the DPR list of shortlisted candidates should report to their respective screening centers on the dates and times mentioned next to their names.
We update our readers with the latest information on the DPR recruitment procedure and physical screening date on a regular basis. We make every effort to leave no stone untouched.
As a result, the DPR 2023 recruitment screening exercise has yet to be scheduled.
Once the date is set and publicized, this page will be updated. If you don’t want to miss any updates on the DPR screening date and location, we strongly urge you to visit this page on a frequent basis.
DPR Screening Venues For Shortlisted Candidates
It was earlier announced this year that all pre-selected candidates will be screened by the DPR at predetermined locations around the country. The physical screening will take place in a few states, and all selected candidates will be notified either via the official portal or through their email addresses.
All candidates who have been shortlisted must attend at their respective screening centers on time. You have declined the employment offer if you do not show on time. Arrive at the screening center a day before the scheduled screening.
Department of Petroleum Resources Screening Requirements
All candidates are to appear at the DPR screening center with the following outlined documents below;
- Original and photocopy of their credentials
- Two Recent Passports Photographs
- Duly completed Guarantor’s Form
- Birth Certificate/Declaration of Age
- Certificate of Origin
To get the latest updates regarding the DPR Screening Date 2023 Aptitude Test Date, always visit this page or bookmark the page for easy access. Do you need more clarification on the DPR Screening Date 2023, and Aptitude Test Date? Please notify us through the comment section.