FCSC Training Date: The Date and duration of FCSC training for 2025 shortlisted candidates. The official date for the 2025 recruitment training exercise has been released by the Federal civil service commission. Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about the 2025 training exercise.
Following the announcement of the shortlist and a successful physical screening exercise, candidates will get brief instructions to assist them to prepare for the monumental challenge ahead. For freshly recruited officers, the training camp will also act as an orientation camp.
For the 2025 recruitment training, the FCSC is accepting shortlisted individuals. The training activity is mandatory for all shortlisted candidates. Any candidate who fails to attend the course will be disqualified without further consideration.
FCSC Training Date 2025
The training date has not yet been officially confirmed. According to the information we have received, the training exercise will take place after the physical screening exercise. Candidates should wait for a notification from the Federal civil service commission.
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We will do everything we can to keep you informed about the current developments at the Federal civil service commission recruitment board. The newest FCSC news can be found on our website.
Federal civil service commission Training Requirements 2025
All successful candidates must provide originals and photocopies of the following documents to their respective training camps:
- Original and photocopies of credentials
- Four copies of 5 by 7 colour photograph without cap/hat,
- Writing materials to include biro, pencils, ruler, notebooks and file jacket,
- Three pairs of white (unmarked) round neck vests and navy blue shorts (without stripes) and two pairs of white and black socks.
- Two pairs of pure black canvas trainers (rubber type NOT acceptable),
- Also, two white bedsheets and pillowcases,
- Two black trousers and white long sleeve shirts,
- One blanket (grey or army green color),
- Two pairs of national dress or suit and casual wears with shoes, Bucket, cutlasses, and brooms to be purchased on arrival, some pocket money and toiletries,
- Two black cloth facemasks are among the other items.
FCSC Training Camp 2025
The selected camps for the Federal civil service commission official training will be communicated to all selected candidates via their email addresses. Therefore, always check tour email address constantly for more information.
COVID-19 protocols must be followed at all times by all successful candidates.
How can I get FCSC form?
On the website www.fedcivilservice.gov.ng, you can apply for FCSC jobs and get shortlisted. Most importantly, the application for FCSC Recruitment 2025 is free. If you want to apply for a job with the Federal Civil Service Commission, keep this in mind (FCSC).