Ghana Police Screening Date for recruits, Ghana Police Service is to screen new police officers on Ghanaian law and policing skills. The Ghanaian law enforcement agency will ensure that all those shortlisted for this exercise will be properly screened to be the best amongst all.
The Ghana Police Service is recruiting applicants 18-30 years old who are physically fit, of good character, with good communication skills, and no criminal record.
Ghana Police Training Date for recruits
The Ghanaian police have been training new recruits in order to increase their manpower. This is a step towards making Ghana safer and more secure. All those who made it to this point must ensure they comply with rules guiding the Ghana police system. Also, successful candidates must ensure to report to the training ground on time to avoid disqualification.
Is Ghana Police Screening Date Out?
The Ghana Police Service is yet to announce a Screening Date for Ghanaians who are applied for joining the Ghana Police Force as recruits. It is not known why they have chosen this time to recruit, but it may be because of the increased need for additional police officers due to Ghana’s growing population and increasing crime rates. The Ghanaian government hopes that by adding more personnel, their force will be able to decrease crimes and increase safety in their communities. Therefore, keep visiting this web page for updates regarding the Ghana Police Screening Date.