Kwara State SUBEB Shortlisted Candidates 2023: Check The KWSUBEB List Here

Kwara State SUBEB Shortlisted Candidates 2023: The list of candidates for the 2023-2023 Kwara State SUBEB recruitment has been released on this page. You can see if you are in it by checking to make sure your name is on there.

The shortlisting process begins with an application form, which individuals must complete at least 4 weeks before their desired interview date. Those who apply will then receive confirmation emails advising them whether they have made it onto Sub-board’s waiting list – so don’t give up hope just yet if yours did not appear right away after submitting all required documentation… We guarantee every person gets contacted eventually because everyone needs to be employed.

Latest News on Kwara SUBEB Shortlisted Candidates 2023

The long waiting list of shortlisted candidates has been published for Kwara SUBEB recruitment 2023. This article will give you a basic understanding of how to verify if your name is among the candidates who were selected from this year’s oral interview round that may begin soon! To learn more, continue reading below…
This process involves reviewing documents such as educational certificates and CVs.

Is Kwara State SUBEB List of Shortlisted Candidates Out?

The Kwara State Universal Basic Education Board SUBEB wishes to advise the public that a list circulated on social media about an upcoming recruitment exercise is fictional and misleading. The said list was falsely attributed, without permission or knowledge from them; there have been no plans announced by the commission so far as this letter goes out in response to misinformation being spread among applicants who may be interested in becoming teachers for schools located within our state’s borders.
The Commission takes seriously its responsibility towards transparency while also ensuring fairness during recruitment processes such as employing new teachers to all government schools across Kwara State. We sincerely regret if any false information created confusion among potential candidates trying to get into the teaching profession.

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How to Check Kwara SUBEB Shortlisted candidates List 2023

This guide will help you to search and download the Kwara State SUBEB Shortlisted Candidate List PDF. Please make sure not to scan other people’s moves before starting, it requires caution for success! After checking your name in the list below with verified status, then follow these procedures:

  1. Kindly log on to  https// 
  2. Scroll down to the Selected Applicants list Batch Tescom Or SUBEB
  3. Click on the View List Now Button
  4. Using the Search Box provided, enter your Full Names
  5. Click on the Search Button to view the Kwara State SUBEB names of successful candidates

Kwara State SUBEB Interview Date 2023

The Kwara State Universal Basic Education Board has announced that the new dates for qualifying examinations and interviews have been set. The change in schedule is due to operational reasons, but all eligible applicants will be notified about their allocated CBT date soon enough.

How to Check Kwara State SUBEB CBT Exam Result

  • Kindly log on to the Kwara State SUBEB Teachers recruitment portal via
  • Enter your Email Address and Password in the required columns.
  • Click on the ‘Login’ button to access your score

Applicants can purchase Kwara State Teachers’ past questions and answers for intensive preparation. The previous exams have answers, so applicants do not need to send in any originals. They are available online or by contacting us – we will be happy to help you get one if needed.