KYEOP Application Form 2023/2024 Online Registration Portal

KYEOP Online Application Form 2023: Do you want to obtain the KYEOP Cycle 8 Application From? Every information regarding the KYEOP Grants, the application portal, deadline and how to apply will be discussed below.

The Kenya Youth Employment Opportunities Project registration form for 2023/2024 is now available; visit this website to view the prerequisites, registration portal, and other crucial details.

Have you been waiting for the KYEOP application form 2023 to be released? If so, please be informed that the KYEOP registration portal is now open.

Spend a few minutes reading through all the information we have provided on this page about the KYEOP application to make sure you’re acting appropriately.

This is because I am aware that, in addition to applying, you also hope to be selected as a recipient, which would be a success.

To avoid being eliminated from consideration, you must take the prerequisites and the application process seriously.

KYEOP Registration Form 2023

Between the ages of 18 and 29, are you a young person? Are you considering establishing or growing your business in Kenya?

The Kenya Youth Empowerment and Opportunities Programme is currently accepting applications from youth residing in the 17 counties where the project is being implemented for cycle 8.

Included in this group are the nations of Bungoma, Kakamega, Killifi, Kitul, Kwale, Kisumu, Kiambu, Kisii, Migori, Machakos, Mandera, Mombasa, Nyandarua, Nakuru, Nairobi, Turkana, and Wajir.

This golden opportunity is for you if you are from one of the aforementioned locations and wish to launch a business, most likely without money.

Is KYEOP Cycle 8 Application Portal 2023 Open?

Before the advertisement above, interested parties had been inquiring whether the KYEOP cycle 8 application form and portal for 2023 had truly been released.

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Yes, the registration portal and the KYEOP cycle 8 application form are open right now. You must thus follow the prerequisites and registration procedures listed below.

Counties Eligible for KYEOP Application 2023

Mombasa Kwale Kilifi Tana River Lamu Taita Mak Taveta Garissa Wajir
Mandera Marsabit Isiolo Meru Tharaka-Nithi Embu Kitui Machakos
Makueni Nyandarua Nyeri, Kirinyaga Murang’a Kiambu The Turkana West Pokot
Samburu Trans-Nzoia Uasin Gishu Elgeyo-Marakwet Nandi Baringo Laikipia Nakuru
Narok Kajiado Kericho Bomet Kakamega Vihiga Bungoma Busia
Siaya Kisumu Homa Bay Migori Kisii Nyamira Nairobi

Requirements for KYEOP Online Application 2023

Before you start processing your KYEOP application form, take notice of the following conditions because failure to do so could result in disqualification.

  • Basically, you must be a citizen of Kenya (Kenyan)
  • The programme welcomes applications mainly from youths between the age of 18 to 29
  • Your education level of up to form four or below
  • You should be either unemployed, underemployed or self-employed
  • Applicants applying should not be undergoing studies in tertiary institution

What Will Successful Applicants Benefits from KYEOP

Have you given any thought to the advantages applying for the KYEOP would bring you? If so, the entire list of advantages you stand to get as a beneficiary of the Kenya Youth Employment Opportunities Project is provided below.

  • Startup funds (grant) to expand their business
  • Adequate training on different businesses
  • One month of life skills and core business training
  • Two (2) months of formal skills training followed by 3 months of internship
  • Five (5) months apprenticeship under a qualified Master-Craftsman
  • Entrepreneurship training
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How to Register for Kenya Youth Employment Opportunities Project

The KYEOP application process consists of five (5) steps: personal information, contact information, employment status, education & skills, and confirmation.

By going to the registration portal at, you must carefully fill out these application forms.

How Do I Register for Kyeop Online?

Follow the below procedure in-order to apply for the Kyeop program online.
  1. Navigate to the KYEOP CYCLE 8 APPLICATION LINK 2023.
  2. On this page, click on ‘Support to start, run or expand your business’ tab.
  3. On the next page, you will be required to select your preferred ‘County of intake’ among the list provided.

How Do I Confirm My Kyeop Application?

You will in addition receive a text message confirming your activation.
  1. Go tho the URL Login with Username: Your ARN and Password: Your ID Number.
  2. After login, you’ll be required to provide a One Time Pin (OTP). …
  3. Click Self Activation Button upon login.

How Do I Get Kyeop Money?

To receive Kyeop grants, an applicant must be;
  1. A Kenyan citizen.
  2. Aged between 18-29 years.
  3. Possess a national ID card.
  4. Unemployed.
  5. A form 4 leaver.
  6. Within the listed KYEOP implementing counties.

KYEOP Application Form Has been Extended to June 10, 2023

Application for the KYEOP has been postponed till June 10, 2023: Have you looked online to find out when the KYEOP application will expire?

If so, be aware that the deadline for the KYEOP online registration portal, which was originally set for May 31, 2023, has been extended to June 10, 2023.

KYEOP Online Application Deadline

All interested parties must submit their applications before the deadline, which is June 10, 2023, for the KYEOP application form portal, which opened on May 17.

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If you have any further questions or would want more information about the KYEOP application form 2023, please let us know in the comment area.