Nigerian Army DSSC Ranks And Salary Structure 2023

Nigerian Army DSSC Ranks And Salary Structure 2023

The Ranks and Payment Structure of the Nigerian Army DSSC, which stands for Direct Short Service Commission, are the same as those of regular officers.

Please note that when we refer to Nigerian Army DSSC ranks and salaries, we also refer to Nigerian Army Direct Short Service Ranks and Pay.
Nigerian Army DSSC Ranks And Salary Structure
Regular Officers are individuals who completed a five-year training program at the Nigerian Defence Academy before being commissioned as officers in the Nigerian Army.
The DSSC, on the other hand, is a brief period of training intended for graduates of any recognized university or polytechnic.

Nigerian Army DSSC Ranks And Salary Structure

They are commissioned with the rank of Lieutenant after completing 6–9 months of training. Please keep in mind that if you join the Nigerian Army as a DSSC, you may not be able to advance to Officer rank.

Only graduates of the Nigerian Defence Academy NDA will be eligible for those positions.
If you want to join the Nigerian Army as a graduate, CLICK HERE for further information.

Let us now proceed to the Nigerian Army’s DSSC ranks and salary structure.

Nigerian Army Ranks

  • Field Marshal
  • General
  • Lieutenant General
  • Major General
  • Brigadier General
  • Colonel
  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Major
  • Captain
  • Lieutenant
  • Second Lieutenant

Nigerian Army Salary Structure

The Nigerian Army’s pay scale is determined by the officer’s rank. The pay scales for commissioned and non-commissioned officers are listed below.

Salaries of non-commissioned Officers

Master Warrant Officer  ₦90,000 
Warrant Officer  ₦80,000 
Staff Sergeant  ₦68,000 
Sergeant  ₦63,000 
Corporal  ₦58,000 
Lance Corporal  ₦54,000-55,000 
Private Soldier  ₦48,000-49,000 
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Salaries of Commissioned Officers

General  ₦1.5 million 
Lieutenant General  ₦1 million 
Major General  ₦950,000 
Brigadier General  ₦750,000 
Colonel  ₦550,000 
Lieutenant Colonel  ₦350,000 
Major  ₦300,000 
Captain  ₦220,000 
Lieutenant  ₦180,000 
Second Lieutenant  ₦120,000 

If you have any queries about the Nigerian Army DSSC Ranks And Salary Structure, please leave them in the comments section.