Nigerian Navy Shortlisted Candidates 2023/2024 is Out, Download Navy Shortlist Names

Nigerian Navy Shortlisted Candidates 2023 | The Nigerian Navy recently announced the list of Nigerian Naval Shortlisted Candidates for the Nigerian Navy Recruitment Exercise. The Nigerian Navy shortlist was published in a notice through their official portal and is open to Nigerian citizens who would like to verify the list regarding the recruitment of the Nigerian navy as sailors or officers.

Before we go into details about what it takes to be eligible for this recruitment drive, let’s take a look at some other important information about the Nigerian naval recruitment process:

  • What does the Nigeria navy offer?
  • How do I check the Nigerian Navy Shortlisted Candidates?
  • Where can I find the list?
  • How long will it take me to become an officer/sailor?

Is The Nigerian Navy Shortlisted Candidates Out?

The Nigerian Navy has NOT released the names of Nigerian candidates shortlisted for recruitment into the Nigerian Navy. Candidates who applied for the job should be patient enough to wait for the list to be released. In addition, it is advised that all applicants should always visit this web page to get more information concerning the Nigerian Navy Shortlisted Candidate. Also, candidates who are interested in Nigerian Navy Recruitment should visit the Nigerian Navy website for more information.

Furthermore, all Nigerian citizens who are qualified to apply for recruitment into the Nigerian Navy should be patient as the recruitment portal is not opened for application. Also, once the portal opens, the Nigerian Navy will be looking for men and women who are between 18-25 years of age, with a minimum height of 5 feet 6 inches (1.7 metres). Candidates must also have an O’Level certificate or its equivalent qualification.

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How to Check Nigerian Navy Shortlisted Candidates 2023

There are many people who want to know How to Check Nigerian Navy Shortlisted Candidates 2023. If you’re one of those people, we have the answers you need! You can find out more about How to Check Nigerian Navy Shortlisted Candidates and How to Apply for Nigerian Navy by clicking on the links below.

  1. Go to the Nigerian Navy Portal,
  2. Login with your Application ID
  3. Navigate to Shortlisted Candidates
  4. Click on Check Names.
  5. A PDF File containing the List of shortlisted names will display.

In Conclusion

Applications will be opened to Nigerian citizens and Nigerian residents who meet the requirements of the Nigerian navy, as well as other conditions stipulated by Nigeria’s National Defence Act. Therefore, all candidates who applied for the Nigerian Navy should always visit this web page or bookmark this page for easy access to updated information.