NPF Recruitment 2023/2024 Police Recruitment Portal Login

NPF Recruitment 2023: The Nigeria Police Force invites all qualified applicants who are eager to work to forward their application for the 2023 recruitment exercise of Ten Thousand (10,000) Police Constables into the service of the Nigeria Police Force.

Any applicant who successfully submits their application, thereafter, are advised to print out their application Slip and get prepared for the next phase of the recruitment. Therefore, all other information such as the requirements, and how to apply for the NPF Recruitment via the Police Recruitment Portal Login will be discussed below.

Nigerians with the necessary qualifications are invited to apply to join the NPF as police constables (Recruits).

1) Applicants must be passionate about a career in the NPF and meet the requirements listed under the following general headings:

NPF Recruitment Requirements, 2023.

  1. Applicants shall be of Nigerian origin by birth and possess National Identity Number (NIN)
  2. Not less than 18 years or more than 25 years of age (as at 1st January 2023 and 31st December 2023)
  3. Applicants must possess a minimum of 5 credits in not more than 2 sittings in
  5. Credit passes in English and Mathematics Applicants must be aged between 17.
  6. 25 years.
  7. Applicants must be medically, physically and psychologically fit and must not be less than 1.67m tall for male and 1.64m tall for female.
  8. Applicants must not have less than 86cm (34 inches) expanded chest measurement (for men only).
  9. Female Applicants must not be pregnant at the time of Recruitment.
  10. Applicants must be free from any pecuniary embarrassment.
  11. Applicants must print their completed online forms, guarantor forms and submit same at the examination/screening and recruitment centers
See also  FUOYE Recruitment 2025/2026 Registration Form Portal

2) The applicants that meet the requirements from the online registration would be invited for physical screening at all State Commands, including FCT Command, fromĀ October 2023.

3) The names of the successful candidates will be published in the national newspapers or on this website.

Any candidates suffering from any one of the under listed abnormalities or deformities shall not be accepted for enlistment into the NPF.

  1. Impediment in speech Gross malformation of teeth or jaw preventing proper mastication of food.
  2. Knock knees Bow legs Bent knees. Le knees, which cannot be straightened when standing at attention.
  3. Deformed hands which cannot perform the full functions of the hand
  4. Defective eyesight or squints eyes.
  5. Amputation of any part of the body.

How to Apply for NPF Recruitment 2023/2024.

It is mandatory to submit ALL applications online.

  1. Before starting your application, you MUST have a working email address and National Identification Number (NIN):
  2. Please log in at Complete and SEND the online form (Review the Information before final submission)
  3. Print the information that is automatically sent to your email, and remember to copy and retain your REGISTRATION NUMBER for correspondence down the road. Please be aware that case affects the NUMBER.
  4. If you are selected and contacted for the next stage of the recruitment process, you will be expected to provide a paper copy of the email that was given to you.
  5. WARNING: You may only use one email address and/or phone number per application. Those who submit multiple applications will be dismissed.Aside from emails sent through its portal for candidates, the NPF would not engage in any other interaction with applicants for this operation.
  6. The registration period for the online application portal will run from Monday, August 15, to Friday, September, 26 2023.
See also  KASUPDA Recruitment 2023/2024 Application Form Portal

Call 08100004507 or send an email to or if you have complaints about technical issues.