OAUTHC List of Shortlisted Candidates 2023/2024 PDF Download

OAUTHC Selects Successfully Shortlisted Candidates Following Massive Recruitment in 2023

Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex (OAUTHC) has finally shortlisted successful applicants for the initial stage of the hiring process following the submission of applications for various positions.

The shortlisted applicants should look up their names on the website and sign up for the CBT exam.

However, the homepage included a list of some applicants’ names. The other candidates must look up their names. More information about the hospital is available on its official website.

Has OAUTHC Released The List of Shortlisted Candidates?

This is to inform everyone who applied for the recent OAUTHC recruitment that the Employment List for 2023 is available. However, the authorities have not yet made it public.

So those who are anticipating this Employment List should practice patience. In the meantime, get ready for the list of shortlisted candidates to be published online, and if you require any other crucial information regarding this, please let us know.

What happens if my name is not In the OAUTHC list of shortlisted candidates

If you can’t find your name on the employment list, check back later. It’s possible that when you looked, the list for all batches wasn’t finished yet. If this is the case, our advice is to check back later.

If you’re lucky, you might see your name on the completed full list. In addition, after looking through all the trials, you still can’t find your name, know that you weren’t selected to take part.


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How to Check the 2023 OAUTHC List of Shortlisted Candidates

Checking the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex Shortlisted Candidates for this year is very simple, but it can be challenging for some people who don’t know how to go about it. Here on this portal, we will be making it very simple for everyone to determine if you were among the selected candidates.

You must go to the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals official portal @ https://oauthc.com/employmentshortlisted21.aspx to view the list, or to make it very easy it will be available here.

If you are having trouble checking your name through the provided link, use the comment box section below to ask your questions.

Share this article on all relevant platforms. For more information on the OAUTHC recruitment drive, follow me. May God ease the way for each and every applicant.