Policerecruitment.gov.ng Shortlist login portal | Visit the 2023 NPF recruitment application portal

Policerecruitment.gov.ng Shortlist login portal | Visit the 2023 NPF recruitment application portal | www.npf.gov.ng shortlisted candidates

In order to apply for the ongoing Nigerian Police recruitment, you need to register using the recruitment portal via Policerecruitment.gov.ng login portal and get yourself involved in the first stage of the NPF 2023 recruitment exercise. Policerecruitment.gov.ng  is the only portal through which you can get registered for the Nigerian Police Recruitment 2023.

First and foremost, getting the right recruitment portal is the most important thing to do before applying for any job, and visiting this website is the best choice you did as we will reveal the Nigerian Police recruitment portal for the ongoing registration exercise.

Therefore, we have carried out proper research and have gathered a piece of first-class information concerning the NPF recruitment portal. The Nigerian government has made this recruitment open for anyone who is interested in becoming a Police Officer, and we are glad to let you know that the recruitment exercise is still ongoing, and the portal Policerecruitment.gov.ng is open to receiving an application from suitable and qualified candidates.

Therefore, to register for the ongoing Nigerian Police Force Recruitment, visit Policerecruitment.gov.ng

Before applying for the NPF recruitment, it is of extreme importance that you have met all the necessary requirements needed for the ongoing recruitment, you can visit the recruitment portal at Policerecruitment.gov.ng to view all educational qualifications and requirements.

Are you eligible and fit for the NPF recruitment, you can now visit the portal for information on the requirements at Policerecruitment.gov.ng

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How to Update your NPF Records Using the Portal Policerecruitment.gov.ng

  • Firstly, Enter your National Identity Number (NIN) in the provided space
  • Secondly, type the required details to update your record
  • Thirdly, upload the following scanned documents:
    • Your O’Level Results
    • Birth Certificate / Declaration of Age
    • Certificate of Origin
  • Click submit after updating your application
  • Then, print the confirmation slip
  • Finally, download and print the Guarantor’s form.

All eligible applicants in line for the Nigerian Police Recruitment can finally apply and also submit their application form through Policerecruitment.gov.ng,

Policerecruitment.gov.ng  login portal | Visit the 2023 NPF recruitment application portal

Do not forget that the only application which will be accepted by the Nigerian Police Force is the one submitted in the NPF recruitment portal @ Policerecruitment.gov.ng. Therefore, any candidate who submits his or her application to an unknown portal will not be called for the next phase of the recruitment. Therefore, for you to be shortlisted for the physical verification exercise, it is advised to submit your application to Policerecruitment.gov.ng